Dharna (4 - 5 June 2011) Poster By Jamat-e-Islami Pakistan |
This is advertising Handbill/Pamphlet of Recent Dharna by Jamat Islami Pakistan, 1st day (4th June) have been passed successfully, thousand of peoples were gathered there even after Saturday, which is working day in Pakistan, this is totally against Coroption, Target Killing by MQM (Altaf Group) in Karachi, Lawlessness, US Drone Attacks in Pakistan, Inflation, Load Shedding and a biggest anti US get to gather at famous M.A. Jinnah Road Karachi, according to Jamat-e-Islami Spokesman, all disorders in the current situation are due to American policies, Drone Attacks are changing in US Military attacks slowly, but Pakistan Govt. is still silent, so this is the time for a big change in Pakistan Govt. Jamat-e-Islami is working for it, Islami Inqilab is the solution according to them, when a reported asked Ameer-e-Jamat-e-Islami about Islami Inqilab yesterday after his address, he said, it will be a big change according to Islamic laws, everything has to re-arrange in an order, and that is why we are here, Islamic Revolution is the Only solution of the problems of Pakistan, He further added.

Dharna Poster By Jamat-e-Islami Pakistan
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